Friday, May 30, 2014

30-day Book Challenge: DAY THIRTY

"Your Favorite Book Of All Time"

Last Challenge! Wow, I can't believe I've finished it *throws confetti* 

Anyway, since it's the last day of the 30-day Book Challenge, today's pick is special: My favorite book of all time. And it is...

Thursday, May 29, 2014

30-day Book Challenge: DAY TWENTY-NINE

"A Book Everyone Hated But You Liked"

Hate. Strong strong word. 

Well, being a self-admitted deviant (mostly when it comes to books) I have a lot of books that I actually enjoyed but is actually down on ratings. On the otherhand, there are also lots of books that everyone adored while I simply placed it on the bottom of my favorites.

So for today's challenge, I guess I'll be choosing...

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

30-day Book Challenge: DAY TWENTY-EIGHT

"Favorite Title Of A Book"

Aside from an eye-catching cover and a well-written blurb, what else would make a book enticing for readers? The title of course! As a writer too, I admit that coming up with a remarkable title is one tough job because you have to summarize your whole story in a few words plus, it has to be catchy too and something that the readers would easily remember.

Anyway, for today's challenge of favorite book title, I'll go with:

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

30-day Book Challenge: DAY TWENTY-SEVEN

"The Most Surprising Plot Twist Or Ending"

Personally, I like reading books with big big plot twists. I love it when the authors sneak up behind you and pull the rug underneath your feet which you didn't even know was there in the first place!

As a reader, I had my fair share of this twists and I can say that one of the most surprising endings that I have read about is that of...

Monday, May 26, 2014

30-day Book Challenge: DAY TWENTY-SIX

"A Book That Changed Your Opinion About Something"

"One must always be careful of books and what is inside them, for words have the power to change us." -Cassandra Clare

And I couldn't agree more. Some book-readers read for pleasure, for relaxation; Some, to escape reality; and some just to pass time. But whatever one's reason is, it couldn't be denied that whether we like it or not, we will always bring something inside us after reading. Life lessons, stories, and other stuff that cannot be taken away.

Today, I have to choose a book that changed my opinion on something and I pick...

Sunday, May 25, 2014

30-day Book Challenge: DAY TWENTY-FIVE

"A Character You Could Relate To The Most"

I could probably go on and on with this one. Of all the thousands of characters I've known, I find a little bit of myself in each of them. May it be in a guy or a girl, there will always be a quality that you can relate with.

Still, for today's challenge, I picked someone who isn't exactly my most favorite character (I like her a lot though not THAT much) but someone who I see most of myself in. And she is...

Saturday, May 24, 2014

30-day Book Challenge: DAY TWENTY-FOUR

"A Book That You Wish More People Would've Read"

A book that you wish more people would've read. 

I actually have a long list for this one. You can view some of my posts that are related on this topic by clicking on the wish-more-would-read tag on the right side of the screen :)

Anyway, I guess for today's challenge, I'll pick:

Friday, May 23, 2014

30-day Book Challenge: DAY TWENTY-THREE

"A Book You Wanted To Read For A Long Time But Still Haven't"

I know most readers will agree with me when I say that for every book that we finish, two (or sometimes more) books are added to our reading pile. 

For today's challenge, I have to pick a book that's been gathering dust on my to-read shelf and I just knew what it is:

Thursday, May 22, 2014

30-day Book Challenge: DAY TWENTY-TWO

"A Book That Makes You Cry"

It's my sister's birthday today! (Just throwing that out there. Blame the sudden burst of randomness)

Anyway, I believe I've mentioned it before that I don't easily cry at books/movies. That's why, I'm slightly adjusting today's challenge. Instead of simply a book that makes me cry, I'm picking something that made me cry. Something that seriously overwhelmed me with feels.

And that is...

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

30-day Book Challenge: DAY TWENTY-ONE

"The First Novel You Remember Reading"

Day Twenty One. 

The moment I saw what's on today's challenge, this book instantly popped into my mind. I'm not really sure if I could consider it as a "novel" since it's not really "novel-ish". More like a novella.

Anyway, what I chose is...

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

30-day Book Challenge: DAY TWENTY

"Favorite Romance Book"

Another Checkpoint! Day Twenty :D

Today's challenge is pretty tricky: Favorite Romance Book. Since most books I read is 'romance', it's hard to pick a favorite but after some thinking, I decided on something that hasn't made the challenge list yet AND would not be making the list if not now.

So, I'd be picking...

Monday, May 19, 2014

30-day Book Challenge: DAY NINETEEN

"Favorite Book Turned Into A Movie"

Oh, another movie related challenge! And today, I have to choose a Favorite book turned into a movie. As both a book and movie fan, there's nothing more satisfying than a favorite read hitting the big screens. Of course, along with the excitement comes a tinge of nervousness since MOST films just simply don't give justice to the magnificence of books.

But there are some rare instances which the movie seems a very good representation of the text. One of these is...

Sunday, May 18, 2014


"Remember. Survive. Run."

(Spoilers ahead! Proceed with caution!)
James Dashner's The Maze Runner Trilogy

A few weeks back, I was really excited to start on this since it's been on my to-read pile for so long and just a couple of days ago, I finally finished all three. Yay!

I'm sure lots of people (especially those who really know how much I'm into books) is aware of the fact that I love dystopia hahaha :) That's why The Maze Runner Trilogy had me completely!

Let's start then! I'm excited to share some thoughts on these :D
*This review is peppered with spoilers. I highly recommend NOT reading it if you do not want to be spoiled :)

30-day Book Challenge: DAY EIGHTEEN

"A Book That Disappointed You"

Day Eighteen. Wow, I'm almost through! 

Anyway, for today's challenge which is A Book That Disappointed You, at first I thought that I don't really have anything but then after some quick rethinking, I realized that I was actually didn't get fulfilled by a certain book.

And that is...

Saturday, May 17, 2014

30-day Book Challenge: DAY SEVENTEEN

"Favorite Quote From Your Favorite Book"

I find today's challenge pretty interesting. Whenever I read, I make sure to take down "notes" on some quotes that I like. As I read the challenge for today, my choice immediately presented itself on my mind. No need for much thinking since I think it's perf <3

What I chose for today is...

Friday, May 16, 2014

30-day Book Challenge: DAY SIXTEEN

"Favorite Female Character"

In relation to yesterday's challenge, today I have to choose my Favorite Female Character which is a bit easier than yesterday. Like my favorite males, I also have tons of loved females but there's one who I can consider as my favorite :)

So, for today's challenge, I pick...

Thursday, May 15, 2014


"I'm here now. What great words to hear." -Cara

(Spoiler free! Go read!)
TITLE: Blast From Two Pasts
AUTHOR/s: Kristel S. Villar
PUBLICATION DATE: 1st of April, 2014
AVAILABLE AT: Amazon | Smashwords
So a few days ago (probably some time last week if I'm not mistaken), I've managed to get a hold of this book thanks to Smashwords! :) I've planned to do a review instantly but other things kept me busy so it has to be postponed for some time.

Anyway, after clearing some things off my to-do, I can finally share my thoughts on this with you guys. Yay! So let's get started :)

30-day Book Challenge: DAY FIFTEEN

"Favorite Male Character"

Favorite Male Character. Tough one. Of all the books I've read, I have a favorite male so it's really hard to pick just one. Here's a pile of most (not all) of my fave guys:

It's a hard decision since I sooo like them all but then if I honestly have to chose one, I'd pick:

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

30-day Book Challenge: DAY FOURTEEN

"Book Turned Movie and Completely Desecrated"

I know most (if not all) would agree with me on this one: Books are better than movies. And I know that again, most (if not all) of us have that one (or more) book that has been thrashed, pulled apart, and just completely wrecked by its movie adaptation.

So for today's challenge, I have to chose a book that has been turned into a film and is just seriously not up to the standards of book readers. Among all of I have chosen, I guess this one's probably the most fitting for today.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

30-day Book Challenge: DAY THIRTEEN

"Your Favorite Writer"

Favorite Writer. Hmmm..tough one. I have a few handfuls in mind but of course, there's someone who's slightly above the rest.

So without further ado, the one I'm picking for today's challenge is:

Monday, May 12, 2014

30-day Book Challenge: DAY TWELVE

"A Book You Love But Hate At The Same Time"

For today's challenge, I have to choose a book that made me feel two contrasting emotions: LOVE and HATE. Big words! hahaha :) 

Anyway, as I saw what's up for me today, it only took me a couple of minutes to figure out what made me feel that way and it is:

Sunday, May 11, 2014

30-day Book Challenge: DAY ELEVEN

"A Book You Hated"

Ooh HATE! Such a strong word. Its meaning is magnified when combined with the word BOOK in the same sentence. As a self-proclaimed bookie, I don't think that there's a book that you can say that you actually hate. No matter how ridiculous the plot is or how the characters are not likeable, you just can NOT hate a book.

So, for today's challenge, I'll pick not a book that I hated, but my least favorite book and that is:

Saturday, May 10, 2014


"She'll get under your skin"

(Spoiler-Free! Go Read!)
TITLE: Properly Scandalous (Young and Scambitious#2)
AUTHOR/s: Mina V. Esguerra
PUBLICATION DATE: 5th of May, 2014
AVAILABLE AT: Amazon | SmashwordsBuqo
So a few days ago, I've learned that Miss Mina V. Esguerra has given us a chance to have a copy of her latest work Properly Scandalous. Of course, given the opportunity, I grabbed it and happily dove in the world of the Young and Scambitious series.

Even though I haven't read the first one in the series, a friend of mine (Hi Ate Luna! *waves* Find her own review HERE!) told me that it doesn't matter. I'll get the hang of the story even without reading the other one first. So I did. And here are some thoughts about Mina Esguerra's Properly Scandalous :)

30-day Book Challenge: DAY TEN

"A Book That Reminds You Of Home"

Checkpoint! Tenth day of this month's worth of challenge :) For today, I have to choose something that reminds me of "home" which I find a bit difficult because BOOKS in its own reminds me of home. 

Anyway, I might be twisting the challenge around since I don't exactly have a single book but instead, I'm choosing a series that reminds me of home and it is:

Friday, May 9, 2014

30-day Book Challenge: DAY NINE

"A Book You Thought You Wouldn't Like But Ended Up Loving"

Day Nine! I think today's challenge is pretty easy. Something I thought I wouldn't like but ended up loving? It TOTALLY SPELLS OUT ONE BOOK ;)

I wouldn't delay any further. The book I chose today is:

Thursday, May 8, 2014

30-day Book Challenge: DAY EIGHT

"Most Overrated Book"

Day Eight! Today, I have to choose the MOST OVERRATED BOOK for me. A fair warning though, all of these are just MY OWN OPINION. Please don't take it against me haha :)

So for today's challenge, I instantly knew what I'd pick. Though first thought was Stephenie Meyer's Twilight, I knew I couldn't possibly choose it. Even though I could guess that it is overrated, I couldn't be sure since I haven't actually read even a single page in the saga. 

With all that said, I've decided to go with:

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Trinoma Hang out! :)

Starting on our Bucketlist!

Since it's summer and I haven't really been doing anything aside from hanging around the internet + catching up on my reading and blogging, it's a good time to get started on our buddy bucketlist (it's actually our own bucketlists combined haha)

So, instead of doing something out of my list, which mostly includes EXTREME SPORTS, we decided to start on something small: Mall Hang out! 

Going out but first, let me take a selfie :3
Ultra puyat face due to lack of sleep lol

30-day Book Challenge: DAY SEVEN

"A Book That Makes You Laugh"

Turning the tide around from yesterday's challenge, today I have to choose a book that MAKES ME LAUGH. We all know that almost all (if not all) books have atleast one scene that's hilarious. 

So for today, I decided on something that is not-so-mainstream and a book that made me LOL several times. That is:

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

30-day Book Challenge: DAY SIX

"A Book That Makes You Sad"

Sixth post for this month's challenge! I hope you guys don't mind all these stuff. Just look at it as something that lets you get to know me better plus a month's worth of book suggestions :)

Today, I'll have to pick a book that MAKES ME SAD. This one's tough not because I have lots but because it seems like I don't have any. Reading makes me happy. Then again, there's a couple of books that was just full of FEELS </3 one of them, which I chose for today is..

Monday, May 5, 2014

30-day Book Challenge: DAY FIVE

"A Book That Makes You Happy"

Fifth Day of this reading challenge and for today, I have to choose something that MAKES ME FEEL HAPPY :) To be completely honest, simply reading makes me happy. I am a person who finds happiness in such simple things.

Anyway, after some deliberation on which one to choose, I finally decided on...

Sunday, May 4, 2014

30-day Book Challenge: DAY FOUR

"Favorite Book of your Favorite Series"

For yesterday's challenge which is my FAVORITE SERIES, I chose the magical world of JK Rowling's Harry Potter. Today, I have to choose my FAVORITE BOOK of the seven parts :)

Fun Fact: I ship Harmony (Harry/Hermione). HARD. So yeah, to make this decision easier, I'll choose one which has lots of Harmony moments in it. But then again, it's difficult too! Nevertheless, what I can call my favorite book in the series is:

Saturday, May 3, 2014

30-day Book challenge: DAY THREE

"Your Favorite Series"

This challenge gets harder and harder! Today, I have to choose my FAVORITE SERIES, which is extremely difficult since I have tons of it :(

Anyway, I've narrowed down my list into three: Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Heroes of Olympus by the same author, and JK Rowling's Harry Potter. This is so hard but I'll pick...

Friday, May 2, 2014

30-day Book Challenge: DAY TWO

"A Book That You've Read More Than Three Times"

Today, I have to chose something that I've read several times already (more than three times) I don't really consider myself as a re-reader of books. Usually, I only read them once or twice but during my childhood (well, not really CHILDhood but my pre-teen years), there are several books that I couldn't get enough.

I'm torn between quite a handful of books. Some of them are: Francine Pascal's My Mother Was Never a Kid, Caroline Goode's Cupidity, Patt Marr's Angel in Disguise, and Ines Bautista-Yao's One Crazy Summer.

But of all the above, what I chose for today's category is:

Thursday, May 1, 2014

30-day Book Challenge: DAY ONE

"Best Book You Read Last Year"

It's May! And since I've wanted to do this 30-day challenge for so long (I wonder why I haven't done it before), I'll do it now even though May actually has 31 days :))

So, for the first day, I have to chose the BEST BOOK I'VE READ LAST YEAR. It's pretty tough since there are so many good books I've read during the year 2013. Anyway, here's the choice I've made: