Sunday, May 25, 2014

30-day Book Challenge: DAY TWENTY-FIVE

"A Character You Could Relate To The Most"

I could probably go on and on with this one. Of all the thousands of characters I've known, I find a little bit of myself in each of them. May it be in a guy or a girl, there will always be a quality that you can relate with.

Still, for today's challenge, I picked someone who isn't exactly my most favorite character (I like her a lot though not THAT much) but someone who I see most of myself in. And she is...

Rainbow Rowell's Eleanor of Eleanor & Park! :)

(Photo Credits to owner! Got this cute work HERE!
You can find her at

Two months ago, I've read Eleanor & Park and even made a review about it (You can view it HERE!

While reading, I couldn't help but see myself in Eleanor. She just portrays qualities that I don't usually see in other female leads that I like. She isn't the typical heroine that I'm used to.

Anyway, I like her character because of her uniqueness. I believe we share a handful of characteristics (both likable and not) that made her close to me. She stands out on her own way and isn't afraid to show who she really is.

Thoughts? :)

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