Sunday, October 7, 2018

Backstage Pass #2 - Tara Frejas {Title/Cover Reveal}

Okay, flash confession time:
(1) I haven't done this in forever (IKR?!) and I'm so stoked to be doing this again with a #romanceclass title eep!
(2) tbh, I haven't read Scandalized (Backstage Pass #1) yet
(3) *deep breath* ...I'm not into KPOP (pls don't h8 me)

For the record, I already have Book 1 in my kindle way, way back (and I recently got a physical copy of the repackaged ed!) but things happened and my TBR isn't exactly linear got pushed back by other reads huhu but now, I am so ready to hop in before the launch of the second installment of the Backstage Pass Series!

While I've mentioned that I'm not much into Korean Pop Music, I thoroughly enjoyed Chinggay Labrador's Popped Trilogy before, and of course, I'm always excited to see more of #romanceclass so I'm really looking forward to finally getting on board with this!

Anywaaaaay, for fans of Fi and the gang in the Scandalized Universe - and for #romanceclass peeps in general - you're in for a treat because book two is finally happening! Check out the official title AND cover of Tara Frejas' Backstage Pass#2 below!