Saturday, August 4, 2018

Bookish Babble [4] - Goodbye, July! (Monthly Recap)

July Monthly Recap!
(Reads, hauls, and other shenanigans)


We're halfway through 2018 (YAHOO!) and who says you can't make a big change mid-year?

I guess the biggest change I got is that I finally get to do this kind of stuff. I never thought I’d actually last around to share something recap-worthy (I know I'm a few days late but gimme a break!) These past months that I've been on hiatus, I've experienced lots of milestones - both in real life and in the bookish sense. I finally graduated (yay!) and actually got a job (double yay?) So yes, I'm legitimately adulting and that's the best excuse I can give for being inactive *ugly cries*

Anyway, adulting definitely has its perks. I've expanded the places I can go to (I still have no sense of direction whatsoever though), and I finally get to participate in so many bookish activities that I've only been seeing through my feeds before such as book signings and events! Ya girl finally went to MIBF and attended her first ever International author signing (waves to Jenny Han and Siobhan Vivian

Also, because earning my own moolah now, I can HOARD ALL I WANT MWAHAHAHA! Well, actually not as much as I want to (because fresh grad job huhu) but still! Way more significant that the little ones I've been getting before - but I got to participate in nationwide sales and book bazaars such as the Big Bad Wolf and the NBS Book Binge Bazaar so yay!

Anyway, I know it was supposed to be a July recap - not a recap of whatever happened these past months but hey! It's my first time doing this! I'm just so glad to feel like I'm actually ~part~ of the community now. Wow I feel so legit???

Anyway, here's a quick run through of my July adventures. Roll!